Toguls Spam Ecke

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ZG Faction Farming wird "wesendlich" einfacher:

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Upcoming Changes to Zul’Gurub

The following encounters will be slightly toned down:

Arlokk (Panther Boss)
Thekal (Tiger Boss)
Mar’li (Spider Boss)

The Hakkar encounter will become more difficult. It’s not currently working as intended.

Also, we have reduced the number of creatures in the zone significantly. In addition, we have increased the amount of reputation awarded for killing creatures in the zone. Gaining reputation should be much easier.

These changes will go live in the near future. I don’t have an exact ETA for you at this time.

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]amerikanischen Forenthread

Hmmm,.... hört sich ganz nett an. Endlich Exhalted für jeden ;)
Upcoming Changes to Zul’Gurub

The following encounters will be slightly toned down:

Arlokk (Panther Boss)
Thekal (Tiger Boss)
Mar’li (Spider Boss)

The Hakkar encounter will become more difficult. It’s not currently working as intended.

Also, we have reduced the number of creatures in the zone significantly. In addition, we have increased the amount of reputation awarded for killing creatures in the zone. Gaining reputation should be much easier.

These changes will go live in the near future. I don’t have an exact ETA for you at this time.
wo is denn toguls spamm thread hin? der hat doch das gleiche topic aufgemacht
vor allem, wo is daras post ?


ah jez hab ichs kapiert. neuer thread.. hmhm
ich ahne böse konsequenzen
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