Gaming News, Trailer, etc.


vieleicht hab ich auch nen necro threat uebersehen aber hab kein gefunden.

The Future of Unreal Tournament Begins Today.

Work on the future of Unreal Tournament begins today, and we’re happy to announce that we’re going to do this together, with you. We know that fans of the game are as passionate about Unreal Tournament as we are. We know that you have great ideas and strong opinions about where the game should go and what it should be. So let’s do something radical and make this game together, in the open, and for all of us.

Here’s the plan:

• We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.
• From the very first line of code, the very first art created and design decision made, development will happen in the open, as a collaboration between Epic, UT fans and UE4 developers. We’ll be using forums for discussion, and Twitch streams for regular updates.
• If you are a fan and you want to participate, create a free account and join the forum discussion.
• All code and content will be available live to UE4 developers on GitHub.
• The game will be true to its roots as a competitive FPS.
• Development will be focused on Windows, Mac and Linux.

So what’s the catch?

• It will take many months until the game is playable by gamers. This is real development from scratch.
• When the game is playable, it will be free. Not free to play, just free.
• We’ll eventually create a marketplace where developers, modders, artists and gamers can give away, buy and sell mods and content. Earnings from the marketplace will be split between the mod/content developer, and Epic. That’s how we plan to pay for the game.

A lot of this is brand new for Epic, and we don’t yet have everything figured out. Things will probably definitely go wrong from time to time, and when they do, we’ll have to work through them together. There will be a lot of tough decisions to make, and not every feature will make it into the game. But if you’re a fan of Unreal Tournament, a UE4 developer, or a future modder – or if you just want to learn how we make games – we hope you’ll join us. It’s going to be fun.

Want to get involved?

• Want more detail on the project? Read our wiki.
• Want to participate & give feedback? These forums are the place to do it. Sign up for a free account here to join Unreal Engine 4 community.
• Just interested in getting updates? Subscribe to our newsletter.
• In case you want to check out the classic Unreal Tournament games, we’ve put them on sale on Steam.

klingt in meinen ohren verfickt sexy. instagib !
Wieso heisst der thread game trailer aber es ist nichtmal nen trailer im post? :p
Interessantes konzept, go mitcoden++
Das ist ja so nicht ganz richtig !
Wenn du den Link verfolgst kommst du zu Videos !
Ich bin wirklich gespannt, sowas wie Modsupport und Mapeditor gibt es kaum noch, hoffentlich wird damit wieder ein Stein ins rollen gebracht. Ansonsten 1v1 inc!
Ja bla is ja auch für zukünftigen Shit, da es ja anscheinend keinen Thread für Trailer/News etc gibt.

Hab mir den Artikel durchgelesen und seh netmal nen video link, wenn du schon den thread trailer nennst poste halt direkt den video link :D

Was gibts an: We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.
nicht zu verstehen ? :)

Da es ja free to play wird kann man darüber nicht meckern. Hoffe das es mal ne alternative zu den 0815 Konsolenballer spielen wird und sich wieder richtung UT99 orientiert(+ Onslaught mode).

Die alten Teile haben echt bock gemacht!!!
Was gibts an: We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.
nicht zu verstehen ? :)

Der Thread heißt game trailer und es ist kein video zu sehen!

On Topic: Vllt kann ich ja wenn ich dann 35 bin wieder im neuen ut abgehen ++
Naja, imo ist das eh noch viel zu früh dass sich das überhaupt lohnt wirklich mitzuverfolgen, ausser man will wirklich in den Designprozess eingreifen. Ich wart einfach ab und schau was in 5 Jahren dabei rauskommt :)
Naja so arg lang wirds sicher nicht dauern die Engine is ja fertig. Aber klar wirklich was sagen kann man in der Anfangsphase eh nicht.