How 4Chan are you?


Erfahrener Benutzer

mein ergebnis:

You are 98% 4chan material.

You are the true face of 4chan. You're the type of person who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on Youtube, gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me... and yet, I love you.
You're still a newfag. LURK THE F--- MOAR. If you're not a sicko, we can't help that (at least not by trying), but you could at least learn more about us. I suggest you start with some random browsing on Encyclopedia Dramatica.You're still a newfag. LURK THE F--- MOAR. If you're not a sicko, we can't help that (at least not by trying), but you could at least learn more about us. I suggest you start with some random browsing on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
You are 13% 4chan material.

You should probably never, ever visit 4chan because it will anger you to no end and/or scar you for life. That being said, get off the Internet. Now.
You are 19% 4chan material.

You're not really that cut out for 4chan, but hey, not everyone understands us. If you want to become one of us, trying lurking more (known to us as LURK THE F--- MOAR), otherwise GTFO.
bei der vegeta frage sind alle antworten falsch, 4chan = nubs! als er das erste mal auftaucht hatter 18k, und als zum ersten mal von ihm die power mitm scouter gemessen wird, wird 20k gesagt :p
You are 83% 4chan material.

You're an average 4channer - far from being a newfag, with plenty of knowledge of our subculture and various memes, and the potential to be downright hilarious at times. Yet you've managed to keep a few shreds of your sanity, and aren't the out-of-hand Anonymous that makes it to those news reports. In other words, you are the best kind of 4channer.
Hier Stepho wie für dich gemacht:

Btw, wie kann man youtoube Vids embedden? (edited)
Nice owls 4tw!

[youtube][youtube] btw mit / dann beim zweiten
You are 29% 4chan material.

You're not really that cut out for 4chan, but hey, not everyone understands us. If you want to become one of us, trying lurking more (known to us as LURK THE F--- MOAR), otherwise GTFO.
You are 13% 4chan material.

You should probably never, ever visit 4chan because it will anger you to no end and/or scar you for life. That being said, get off the Internet. Now.
You are 88% 4chan material.

You are the true face of 4chan. You're the type of person who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on Youtube, gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me... and yet, I love you.
You are 86% nigger material.

You are the true nigger of 4chan. You're nigger type of person who finds nigger jokes and sick nigger hilarious, nigger CoS, makes nigger army nigger whenever you nigger someone you nigger on nigger, gets nigger to 5-nigger-nigger, and nigger nigger at 3 nigger to nigger for nigger. nigger nigger nigger... and nigger, I love you.
You are 32% 4chan material.

You're not really that cut out for 4chan, but hey, not everyone understands us. If you want to become one of us, trying lurking more (known to us as LURK THE F--- MOAR), otherwise GTFO.

hm... ich sollte vielleicht aufhören mit mandarb über icq zu quatschen
You are 59% 4chan material.

You're beginning to assimilate into 4chan culture, but there's still a lot for us to show you. Try becoming legally insane and then coming back - you'll fit in much better.