1.11 Patchnotes Testrealm

  • Ersteller Ersteller Teiresias
  • Erstellt am Erstellt am
- Chain targeted spells and abilities (e.g. Multi-shot, Cleave, Chain
Lightning) will no longer hit stealthed or invisible units unless
visible to the caster.

Danke Blizzard!
Nel schrieb:
- Chain targeted spells and abilities (e.g. Multi-shot, Cleave, Chain
Lightning) will no longer hit stealthed or invisible units unless
visible to the caster.

schade war immer lustig noch paar rogues aufzuspüren mit chain lightning :D
Nel schrieb:
- Chain targeted spells and abilities (e.g. Multi-shot, Cleave, Chain
Lightning) will no longer hit stealthed or invisible units unless
visible to the caster.

Danke Blizzard!

ach mano *anfang weinen* :ugly:
- The druid was replaced by a more fascinating charackter: The Tree. This new charackter has also a new ability: Do damage. This ability now consume a melee strike or offensive spell to do damage.
Reachable at lvl 1.
hihi ashbringer scheint wohl zu sprechen :D
#1 "I was pure once"
#2 "Fought for righteousness"
#3 "I was called Ashbringer"
#4 "Betrayed by my order"
#5 "Destroyed Kel'Thuzad"
#6 "Made to serve"
#7 "My son watched me die"
#8 "Crusade fell his whole reign"
#9 "Two isn't enough to end his evil"
#10 "Scarlet Crusade is pure no longer"
#11 "Balnazzar's crusade corrupted my son"
#12 "Kill them all"
Shadow Ward now has a new rank (Rank 5) available as item loot in dungeons. The amount of damage absorbed by this ward was increased substantially on all ranks.
Curse of Agony: The damage from this spell will now continue even if the caster dies or leaves the area.
Emberstorm: This talent will now correctly increase the damage the Warlock takes from Hellfire.
Hellfire: Aftermath can now be triggered by this spell.
Improved Shadowbolt: Periodic damage spells and non-damaging spells will no longer consume charges of Shadow Vulnerability.
Shadowburn: If you cast Drain Soul while this aura is on the victim, you will no longer receive two soul shards upon the victim's death.
Soul Link: If your pet is banished, it will now break the Soul Link. In addition, Soul Link's tooltip has been clarified to indicate it only works with your imp, voidwalker, succubus, or felhunter.

SL damit im pvp um einiges leichter zu kontern. Shadowward GUTE IDEE !! Nun wäre der spruch fast nützlich wär er nicht dispellbar, bzw im pve isser sehr nützlich nu grade bei den twins.

Tremor Totem - Duration increased.

Hm, sie sollten noch die hitpoints hochsetzen und es nicht nur gegen dots sondern komplett gegen alle feuer und shadow spells immun machen damit die ally locks nidmehr so imba sind -_-

Class specific enchantments given by Zanza the Restless no longer require Arcanum (Librams) from Dire Maul. The requirements have been changed to items found within Zul'Gurub. Speak with Zanza the Restless for more information.

OMG - wie lol

Vampiric Embrace: This ability will no longer heal for damage caused when the target had no life remaining (???!!)

Fear: The calculations to determine if Fear effects should break due to receiving damage have been changed. The old calculation used the base damage of the ability. The new calculation uses the final amount of damage dealt, after all modifiers. In addition, the chance for a damage over time spell to break Fear is now significantly lower. Note that Fear continues to be roughly three times as likely to break on player targets as on non-player targets. In addition, Intimidating Shout now follows that player versus non-player distinction, while previously it did not.

Die Fear changes gefallen mir ganz gut muss ich sagen.

Wow alterac scheint nun wieder spielbarer :o grade im hinblick auf reputation.
aaah, grad die stimmen angehört. Das heisst destroyed BY Kel Thuzad, nicht destroyed kel thuzad. Wär auch sonst bisschen unlogisch
€: Hm, denke dass ist der NPC der damals Ashbringer getragen hat und jetzt Kel Thuzad dient. Wäre gut möglich dasses einer der DKs ist, wobei die mir zu lebendig dafür aussehn
€2:Ayo, sprinks meinte grad nen boss heisst The Ashbringer, das wird der dann wohl sein
hmmm t3 scheint wohl mehr als quest-items zu kosten

Warlock Set:
106 Wartorn Cloth Scraps
21 Mooncloth
4 Arcane Crystals
8 Nexus Crystals
6 Cured Rugged Hide

Paladin Set:
20 Arcanite Bars
15 Rugged Hides
7 Nexus Crystals

Mage Set:
3 Arcane Crystals
21 Mooncloth
8 Nexus Crystals
6 Cured Rugged Hide

Warrior Set:
20 Arcanite Bars
4 Nexus Crystals
19 Cured Rugged Hides

Priest Set:
3 arcane crystals
21 mooncloth
8 nexus crystals
6 cured rugged hide

Rogue Set:
5x Arcanite Bars
42x Cured Rugged Hides
5x Nexus Crystals

Hunter Set:
106 Wartorn Chain Scraps
17 Arcanite Bars
18 Cured Rugged Hide
8 Nexus Crystals

jo und wieder droppen keine Set teile sondern nur Items aus denen man das Set baut, wan scheiss.

*edit* Ich denke es wird auch wieder eine neue partei geben, dass man zusätzlich zu den mats auch noch den passenden ruf brauchen wird