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.. damn, da war ich zu voreilig! Die englische Version von Clannad - Tomoyo After wird am 22.7. released!gibt ja sonst ausser Planetarian keine übersetzte VN von KEY.
Hall: Because we didn’t find out about a lot of the exploits… We tested it all and we were like, sweet! We did a couple of rounds with ShackTac and then a few public people, no issue.Crowe: And then the EVE players came in.Hall: And then EVE players came in. And suddenly, wham, there are all these massive exploits. I just shut down Europe, all the Europe servers, you remember? While we fixed that. It was only New Zealand that we could keep running.Crowe: Yeah, you were saying, there was no such concept as bandits while you were in New Zealand. Then these Europeans came in and started killing each other.Hall: They did. It got so bad. Because there was a bug where everyone was spawning on the beach. No problem in New Zealand.Buchta:: People started helping each other, right?Hall: Yeah, they started helping each other.Buchta:: While the Russians…Hall: There was a guy who would wait there and he would help the new players when they spawned in. And then on the Europe server, it just became a bloodbath. It was so bad we had to shut the server down until I fixed the mechanic.Buchta:: I’m usually playing in the morning, the European morning, because the servers are full and I have family to take care of in the evenings. It’s always like I’m somewhere in the hills, and I’m always so glad I’m away, because the Russians are all chatting about how they killed people in Chernarus.Crowe: If there was a real zombie apocalypse, I hope to God I’m in New Zealand. Anywhere near Russia, just end it now.
Wieso gehn im Moment soviele Leute auf DayZ ab (Top Seller bei Steam)? Ich hab mir ma ne halbe Stunde lang nen Stream angeschaut und das einzige was die machen ist rumfahren und mal schnell nen Haus ausräumen und wieder abhauen.
Wieso gehn im Moment soviele Leute auf DayZ ab (Top Seller bei Steam)? Ich hab mir ma ne halbe Stunde lang nen Stream angeschaut und das einzige was die machen ist rumfahren und mal schnell nen Haus ausräumen und wieder abhauen.