Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Laber & Austauschthread

Server sollte nun ab sofort auf R10 laufen. Ist inzwischen auch schon wieder voll wie die Sau. Feineinstellungen/Settings kann ich von hier aus auf Arbeit nicht vornehmen, kommen erst heute Abend.
Was mir in den letzten 2h aufgefallen, nachdem ich über die folg. Webseite die aktuellen Stats einsehen kann:

Life Statistiken unseres Servers

Bisher gibts keine ausgerwöhnlichen Kill/Death Rations mehr wie, 20/2, 25/3, 12/1 usw.
Das Ganze hält sich in wesentlich saubereren Rahmen. Ich will nix schwarzmalen was bisher ohne Punkbuster alles schieflief, aber ....

Keine 30min. lief der Server mit PB = ON und wir haben schon wieder einen Cheater gefasst und verbannt auf unseren Server.
SPAWN LAG FIX -> BC2 Ordner sowie den Ordner mit den Settings für BC2 in den Ausnahmen hinzufügungen des Virenscanners.

Seit dem Patch sind neue Dateien drauf an denen sich Virenscanner wohl manchmal ein paar Sek. aufhängen und dieses führt wiederrum zu lag.
Alle Waffenänderungen im Überblick:

As requested by the community, here is the exhaustive all inclusive changelist of all balance updates made in the R10 Server update for PC.

Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.
Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.

Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.
Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.
Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.
Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.

Slightly reduced the base damage of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.
Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles.

Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry.
Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.
Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance.

Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.
Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.

Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon.
Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon.
Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire.
Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols.

Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating.
Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes.
Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets.
Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles.
Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore.
Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.

Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal+ specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization.
Decreased the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations.
Slightly decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.

Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.
Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.
Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.

These changes will eventually make their way to the 360 and PS3 as we work with our partners Microsoft and Sony to continue to support BFBC2 on all platforms.
einiges davon liest sich, als wenn es egal ist, welche waffe man nutzt... eh alles gleich ^^

Ich glaub das war Sinn von DICE die Waffen etwas mehr zusammenzurücken. So kann nun jeder seine Lieblingswaffe, sei es optisch oder vom Handling her, benutzen ohne auf Schadenseinbußen achten zu müßen.

BTW: Unsere Kiste läuft nun auf R11, die Favoritenfunktion funktioniert nun wieder.
Die sollten mal Zielhilfen für die Kampfgewehre einführen.... oder wenigstens ein paar Specials für die M14 / G3 / Thompson, die Shotguns haben ja eins :p (bzw. 2, bessere Muni + mehr Muni)
Schau heute Abend mal auf die Verpackung, falls es eine Sapphire 5770 ist, die haben vom Werk aus ein defektes BIOS drauf, kann mann jedoch updaten.