Naja, so wirds wenigstens gelesen. :>
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1. General rules.
• All changes on the global map will happen once every hour, meaning that the game is broken down by the hour-steps
• When the player is creating an order during the hour-step, the order will be carried out only at the beginning of the next hour-step.
• Time of the creating an order within the hour-step does not matter. Meaning that it doesn’t matter if a player created it at 0:01 or 0:59, the order will be carried out at 1:00.
Graphics displays.
• The player is informed about the time until the end of the current hour-step and beginning of the next one by a special timer on the global map interface.
2. Implementation of the global map as a interactive object:
a. Navigation (scrolling and zooming)
• Global map will be displayed in two scales.
• Map is divided by provinces based on a list (about 200 at the first stage).
• The player may receive the following information on the global map, regardless of the clan association:
a. Information about provinces
i. Borders
ii. Bonuses from ownership
iii. Rules of capturing (time of capture, landing zone or not)
b. Current state of the provinces
i. Which clan controls it
ii. Is it being disputed
c. Receive information about the clan that controls the given territory
b. Status of the provinces (Prime, Standard, Starting) and bonuses from them
• All provinces generate revenue in gold
• Prime provinces are different from the standard provinces in the following ways:
• First, the generated income is several times higher than in other provinces
• Second (in prospect) the token located in the territory allows the clan to put into the battle more than one soldier (how many depends on the territory) and battle for the territory will be conducted in a special format (with use of the historical campaign mechanics)
• Starting provinces are a standard provinces which are used for initial landing of a new clan. In other words it’s the first province a new clan must capture in the battle for the global map. Mechanics of the landing is as following:
• Leader of the clan which meets the required conditions (the clan has at minimum 15 players with vehicles tier 5 and higher) picks one of the starting provinces on the global map and places request for the invasion. The request is considered accepted right away and not at the beginning of the next hour-step.
• If there are 8 requests pending for the invasion of the starting province, the province becomes unavailable for the attack.
• If during 24 hours since the acceptance of the request to invade a territory, there are no requests for the same territory from other clans, 15 clan tokens automatically will be placed on the chosen province.
• If there are 2 or more requests placed, there will be a blitz-tournament between the clan-contenders based on the Olympic system.
• At the end of the tournament, the 15 tokens of the winner clan will be automatically placed on the contended territory
• The player may recall the request from the screen of the global map as well as from the tournament only before the tokens of his clans are placed in the province.
d. Selection of provinces, receiving information about their properties and owners
When moving a mouse pointer over a province in the corresponding interface window, the following information will be displayed:
• Name of the province
• Province status (Standard, Starting, Prime)
• Current province owner
• When the map is viewed by the player-member of a clan - participant of the Global War, information on the relationship with the owner of the territory (neutral, non-aggression pact, ally, enemy)
Key Province.
Clan “Brotherhood” (enemy).
When selecting a province with LMB in the corresponding interface window the following information will be displayed
• Name of the province
• Main city of the province
• Province status (Standard, Starting, Prime)
• Current Owner
• When the map is viewed by the player-member of a clan - participant of the Global War, information on the relationship with the owner of the territory (neutral, non-aggression pact, ally, enemy)
• Maximum revenue not considering taxes or if the province is controlled by a clan, and a player is a member of the said clan - current revenue.
• Is it under attack or not, and if yes - by whom.
• If it is a disputed province, when exactly the battle will take place.
Also if the province is controlled by a clan, and a player is a member of the said clan, the player will see the following in the same window
• Size of the tax.
• Possibility of a revolt
• Number of troops stationed in the province
• Clan Capitol or not
Capital: Clermont-Ferrand
Clan “Brotherhood” (yours).
Clan HQ: Yes
Revenue 200000 credits
Taxes 60%
Attacked by a clan “Alliance Enetente”. Battle on 12.06.2011. 20.30
Possibility of revolt 0.
Troops: 15 units.
Also except what is listed above, the information screen of the province contains the following information
• Game history of the province (chronology)
• Brief historical and geographical information that has no direct connection to the game
• If the province is a tank region (meaning if one of its cities was a noticeable center of tank building), it will be necessarily indicated with a separate text.
Leningrad region. Historical records..
12.10.2010. Province is captured by a clan “Steel Alliance”
22.01. 2011. Province is captured from “Steel Alliance” by a clan “TD42”
15.02. 2011. As a result of the revolt the province became neutral.
20.02.2011. Province was attacked by a clan “Brotherhood”. Attack was repulsed.
28.02. 2011. Province is captured by a clan “Alliance Entente” (current owner)
The Leningrad region is a subject of Russian Federation, located in the north-western part of the country. It's a part of the North-western Fedederal district and the Noerth-western economic district. The territory is 85,300 square km which is 0.5 percent of the total territory of Russia. Therefore it ranks 39th among other districts in the country. The region is 450 km from west to east and 320 km (maximum) from north to south.
The population is 1,631,894 people. It was formed as a result of administrative and territorial reform on August 1st, 1927. Historically it was preceded by the Ingermanland guberniya (later on - the St.Petersburg, Petrogad and Leningrad guberniya) which was formed in 1708.
The Kirovsky plant located in Leningrad (now - St.Petersburg) was manufacturing tanks of the KV series.
e. Capital
i. Assignment and movement of the capital
• The capital of the clan is automatically placed in the first captured province. This happens simultaneously with transfer of a province under the control of the clan.
• Later when clan captures new provinces, the clan leader has a right to move the capital to the bordering territories, by the same principle as the movement of the troops.
• Movement of the capital can be done once per day, meaning that next movement maybe be done exactly after 24 hours after the previous actual move.
• The actual movement of the capital happens in the beginning of the next hour-step after the player issued an order for the movement.
• Capital cannot be moved from or to the province which is under dispute.
• If Capital is captured by the enemy, it gives ability to all players of the enemy clan to observe what players of clan that lost the capital see for a set limited time. Enemy will be able to see locations and movement of tokens of the clan that lost the capital.
• Capital that was captured will be removed from the map for some limited fixed time (probably for 24 hours). The removal happens with the actual transfer of territory under the control of the winner
• After the expiration of that fixed time, leader of the clan that lost the capital may establish a new capital in any other controlled territory. Leader is given some fixed time to make the selection. After the time is lapsed and no selection was made, the game will place capital randomly into one of the clan controlled territories.
• Location of the capital is covered by the fog of war, meaning that the location of the capital is visible only to the members of the clan to whom the capital belongs to.
ii. Bonus from territories in dependence to their connections with the capital
• Revenues or bonuses are deposited into the clan treasury only from provinces that have direct connection with the capital. So the province that is separates from a capital by a territory of another clan will not bring any revenue.
• Clan which temporary lost its province (capital province is captured by an enemy) loses revenues from all its provinces for the time until a new province is established on the map.
f. Calculating bonuses to the owners of the provinces.
• Controlled territories give clan regular revenue in gold which is automatically deposited into the clan’s treasury.
• Revenue differs from province to province.
• Transfer of the revenue happens regularly at the beginning of every hour-step.
• By default a province brings 85% from the maximum daily revenue. Clan leader can change the profitability of every province (adjusting taxes) once in 24 hours, and by doing so increasing or decreasing the possibility of the revolt.
3. Introduction of tokens
a. Display of tokens
• Placed in a province tokens are displayed as some symbol (most probably a tank) with a number which corresponds to a number of tokens.
a. Movement of tokens on the global map according to the game rules
i. Peaceful movement (to and from your own provinces)
• Only the clan leader can move the tokens.
• (at the next stage) If the leader is offline, the player with the status of 1st deputy can move them. If the leader and 1st deputy are offline, the right to move is delegated to the 2nd deputy.
• Tokens can be moved from one province to another only if they have a common border.
• If a province that belongs to a clan becomes a disputed province, meaning there are tokens of another clan on it, the province becomes unavailable for movement.
• As well clan cannot move tokens out of the province that became disputed.
• A clan can move the same tokens once per day. After tokens were moved, they cannot be moved for the next 24 hours from the movement, meaning they are unavailable for movement.
• One territory may not have more than 15 tokens of the same clan.
• Movement of tokens from several provinces into a single province, and vice versa from one province to many other provinces is not allowed. [check to make sure is correct meaning]
• The actual movement of tokens happens at the beginning of the next hour-step after the player made the order.
• Players may give orders to move tokens in the filled up province, even before the actual movement of tokens from the province, if there are orders to free up space in the territory in the same hour-step. In essence you can shuffle tokens between provinces as long as by the next hour step movement no province exceeds 15 tokens
For example province A has 15 tokens and province C- 10. The player issued an order to move 10 tokens from province A to territory B and during the same hour-step has a right to move 10 tokens from province C to A. The most important here is that in the end there will be no more than 15 tokens in each province.
• After all movements are completed, the player presses button “Submit Turn” to confirm all issued orders.
• Before that button is pressed the player may cancel orders by selecting them and pressing button “cancel”.
• After the button “Submit Turn” was pressed, the moved tokens stay at their places as well as the arrows with token numbers to be moved. The actual movement will happen with the change of the step-hour.
• Information about the positioning of the clan forces can be received not only on the Global Map but also on the interface of the List of Provinces Screen. This screen will be in form of the table which indicates how many tokens are located on this or that province, how many of them are available for movement, how many are not, and how much time must pass before the unavailable tokens become available again.
ii. Moving to reserve and from reserve
• Reserve is defined as a pool of tokens available to a clan, but temporary located outside the game map.
• Play may take tokens out of reserve and place them into the reserve as desired, meaning all management of reserves are done manually.
• Actual activation of the reserve armies happens at the beginning of the next hour-step after the order is issued.
• Tokens which are in reserve are divided into accessible and temporary inaccessible for deployment. The temporary inaccessible are tokens that participated in the lost battle (doesn’t matter offense or defense) and those that were moved to reserve by the player. It happens as following: at the end of the hour-step in which a battle was lost or in which orders were issued to place tokens in reserved, those tokens are removed from the map and are unavailable for 24 hours to return to the battle map.
• Tokens that are unavailable for movement (i.e. which were moved less than 24 hours ago) cannot be placed into reserve.
• Tokens can be taken out of reserve only to the capital territory and only if this province is not filled up to its limit.
• If the capital was moved, it is unavailable for introduction of reserve tokens for 24 hours since the actual relocation of the Capital.
• Tokens introduced to the map from reserve are immediately available for movement.
• Introducing tokens from reserve to a disputed province and placing tokens into reserve from a disputed province is not allowed.
i. Movement to enemy province (attack)
• One cannot move less than 5 tokens to the enemy province
• If the enemy province is being attacked by a clan, another clan cannot move their tokens there (attack it)
• If the enemy province is being attacked by a clan, the leader of that clan cannot move additional troops to the province.
• Also just like with peaceful movement, the enemy province cannot have more than 15 tokens from one clan.
• Actual movement of the tokens, just like in the peaceful movement, happens in the next hour-step after the order was issued.
• After the actual movement of tokens to the province, the province to which tokens were moved becomes disputed.
• If a clan from province B attacks province A, but clan which owns province A even before the end of the hour-step decided to attack province B - they will have a counter battle. In this case the token of both clans logically (but not necessarily visually) move to the enemy territory, both of which (A. and B.) become disputed territories. This battle does not influence the ownership of the provinces. After the battle the tokens of the clan that lost are forcibly removed from the map by the rules of reserve operations. Tokens of the winner will remain in the province of the clan that lost and after some fixed time (about half an hour - an hour) will participate in a new battle for this province, which all this time will keep the disputed status. Status of disputed territory will be removed from the territory of the winner.
For example, there were 15 blue tokens on the territory A, and territory B had 12 red tokens. During the same hour-step the blue clan leader orders to move 10 tokens from province A to territory B, and leader of red clan orders 8 tokens from territory B to territory A. Both clans unexpectedly for themselves end up in the situation of the counter attack, as if their armies unexpectedly came face to face at the border. In the battle only 10 blue tokens and 8 red ones can participate, because they were the ones who “encountered” each other on the march. Provinces A. and B. become disputed territories, meaning that neither side can deploy or remove armies. In the battle that happened from 22:15 to 22:34 the blue clan won. At 23:00 8 red tokens located in the province B are removed from the global map and 10 blue ones stay in the province B. The disputed status is removed of the province A and after some fixed time (probably half-an-hour to an hour) there will be a standard battle for the province B. The 10 blue tokens will fight against the remaining on that territory 4 red tokens.
• If the leader of the blue clan attacks province B from territories A, C, and D and the leader of the red clan in the same hour-step attacks territory A from his territory B, in that case the territories A. and B. will become disputed. Tokens which attacked from A and B will end up in the situation of “opposite movement”, and tokens from territories C and D will move to B. As a result there will be two battles during the same day.
• If the territory is being attacked at the same time (during the same hour-step) by 2 or more clans, their tokens are moved to the territory at the beginning of the next hour-step. Clans-challengers will get in line which order is established by random n-time before the start of the first battle. The first battle takes place between the current owner and the first clan in the line. All following battles take place between the winner and the next challenger. All battles happen in the same evening, with 30 minute breaks. Probably the beginning of the first battle will happen at 20:00 local time of the province under the attack.
• There is no limits on the number of attacks one clan can make on another province controlled by another clan.
ii. Capture of the neutral provinces.
• Attack on the neutral provinces is conducted based on the general rules by moving clan tokens to the neutral province.
• Battle for the neutral province is set up based on the general rules. Meaning it will happen during the prime time of the next day after the attack, local time of the real analog of the attacked province but without a manual time adjustment since there is no clan-owner. The exact time of the beginning of the battle is selected randomly in the given frames (sometimes from 20:00 to 23:00) with half-an-hour breaks. The selection of time happens simultaneously with actual movement of the attacking tokens to the neutral territory.
• At the same time with the set up of the time for the battle there will be an announcement at the mercenaries market. There will be a notification in the Announcement section, and all players that have mercenary license will get notified. Any player that has a mercenary license can file a request to participate in the battle.
• At the time before the beginning of the battle (probably half an hour) the mercenaries who filed a request will receive invitation to the pre-battle room. There is a limit on number of players that can enter the room but most definitely more than needed for the battle (probably first 50). The random system will select 15 who will participate in the battle from the 50 in the room).
• So called “aligned” mercenaries of an attacking clan will be moved to the end of the mercenary line during the random selection of the players. “Aligning” of a mercenary is determined by his statistics: if by statistics the mercenary has spent significant number of battles for the clan that is currently attacking and almost never fought against it. Such mercenary is determined to be “aligned” and sent to the end of the line. (it is not necessary to implement this feature at the initial stage)
• The battle will begin at the appointed time regardless if there is 15 mercenaries or not.
• If the mercenaries’ team wins they receive gold award.
• The split of gold between mercenaries is proportional to the experience each of them received.
iii. Revolts.
• All provinces (except Prime) which are being transferred under the control of the clan gets additional parameter - “Possibility of revolt” displayed in percentages. Alternative version - all provinces have this parameter but for neutral and key provinces it’s equal to 0%.
• The “dice will be rolled” for every province at regular intervals (probably every hour-step). The result will determine if the revolt will happen (see below) today or not. Results of this “dice roll” are corrected by the current “possibility of revolt” parameter for the given province.
• There are different factors which influence the possibility of revolt. From the view point of mechanics these factors are divided into two groups.
Dynamic factors will have the most effect when they activate they slowly decrease to 0. They decrease by a n% with every hour-step. At the first stage dynamic factors are following:
Increasing the possibility
• Action of the enemy. Leader (or diplomat) may conduct a Diversion once a day against one of the provinces that belongs to another clan. Diversion increases the possibility of the revolt on the selected territory by n%. The diversion will cost the treasury of the clan which ordered it “X” sum in credits.
• If a Clan captures a province that was n-days under the control of another clan or was neutral. The possibility of revolt in such province will be heightened.
• If a Clan is losing battles. This will lead to a slight increase in the possibility of a revolt in all territories controlled by the clan.
• The capital of the clan was captured by enemy. This highly increases possibility of a revolt on all the territories controlled by the clan.
• There was a revolt on one of the controlled provinces and it was successful (province becomes neutral - see below).
• HQ (capital) was moved from one province to another province. It leads to slight increase of possibility of a revolt in the former capital province.
Reducing the possibility.
• Clan won a battle. Possibility of revolt slightly decreases on all the controlled territories.
• Clan recaptured one of its old territories, which was less than n days under the control of another clan or “under the control of the revolutionaries”. Possibility of revolt is reduced on the recaptured province.
• There was a revolt on one of the controlled territories but it was suppressed. The possibility of the revolt noticeably reduces on all the controlled provinces.
• Garrison, located in the province, received reinforcement even though consists of less than 15 tokens. Every new token placed on the territory reduced possibility of revolt by n%.
Linear factors - factors that are constant during the whole time of their influence.
They are following:
• On the given territory which at the time was controlled by a given clan already happened to revolt and it was suppressed. And since that time n-day hasn’t passed yet. Possibility of a revolt on such province is equal to 0%.
• The strong garrison, no less than 15 units has constant strong lowering influence on the possibility of revolt.
• The HQ (capital) was moved to the province. The possibility of revolt is reduced to 0% and stays the same until the capital is moved to another province.
• The clan leader intentionally decreases (increases) possibility of revolt on any of the controlled provinces by using service Change Taxes. The service is functioning starting after the next order hour-step, until the leader of the clan turns it off. The taxes cannot be change more than once per day.
• If one of the controlled provinces is revolting. Until the battle for the revolting provinces is over the possibility of revolt on other provinces is equal to 0.
• Possibility of the revolt is slightly increased in those provinces that share a border with provinces of an enemy clan.
Both lists might be changed as needed.
Revolting province.
• In case when a random roll decides that there should be a revolt in one or another province, such province becomes under revolt at the beginning of the same hour-step when the “dice roll” happened.
• Actually the revolting province is a disputed province. The only difference is that no tokens are being placed on it since there are no attacking forces.
• The battle for the revolting province is set in the same manner as the battle for the neutral province being attacked by a clan.
• As in the case with neutral provinces, the players who own a mercenary license play the role of mercenaries. The filing of battle requests and their selection for the battle is built on the same principle as in case of the battle for the neutral province.
• When one of the provinces begins Revolting, the leaders (in the future the treasurer) of other clans can make anonymous “financial assistance” by donating some gold into the prize fund. If the mercenaries win, the gold from this fund, minus our commission, will be distributed between the mercenaries who fought as “rebels”. If mercenaries are defeated, the gold is returned back to donors based on general rules of money return.
• The defense of the revolting province is built on the same principles as the defense from an attack by another clan. It means that in the battle for the province can participate only as many players as there are tokens on the territory (as many clan members + maximum 5 mercenaries). They will fight against maximum 15 mercenaries which applied for the battle and were selected by random.
• If the mercenaries win, the tokens of defenders are removed from the map, and the province itself becomes neutral at the next after the battle hour-step.
iv. Battle emulation (by random or cheat-command) and recording of the results
1. Change in the state of tokens (can/cannot move)
2. Transfer of the province control to a new owner based on the results of the battle
v. Access to information based on if the viewer is an owner of any province (fog of war)
• In general the information about location of clan armies (location of tokens in provinces and in reserves) on Global Map is accessible only by players of the clan. If the player leaves the clan, the access to information is automatically closes for him.
• A player of one clan may see the location of armies of another clan in the following cases:
• The clan capital is captured. In this case the members of the winner clan may see for a day location of all tokens of the clan that lost the capital. The arrows that reflect the direction of the token movement until the next hour-step are not visible to them.
• The tokens of clans are located on the same territory. In this case players of all involved clans can see tokens of other clans that are located on this territory.
• Clans that conducted a successful reconnaissance. In this case the players of the clan who did the reconnaissance can see the location of enemy tokens on the province on which the reconnaissance was conducted. The arrows that reflect the direction of the token movement until the next hour-step are not visible to them.
• Clans signed agreement on information cooperation. In such case players of one ally clan can see exactly the same that the player of the other ally clan can see and vice versa.
• Oncoming battle. In this case the players of warring clans can see only the tokens which are involved in the direct confrontation. They cannot see the rest of the enemy tokens that stayed at the bordering province.
4. Integration with the game
a. Setting time and conditions of a battle according to rules
• Time of a regular (not a counter battle) always falls on the server’s prime time based on the local time of the real life analog at a similar time during the next day. The time of the day when the attack happened, in other words actual movement of the tokens, does not matter.
For example one clan is attacking Berlin province which belongs to another clan. The actual movement of tokens and announcement of the Berlin province to be a disputed territory happened on May 16th at 14:00 Berlin time. However the battle for the province will be set in the time range of 20:00 to 23:00 May 17th Berlin time.
• The exact time of a battle is chosen at random. If the province of the clan was attacked multiple times, the software will automatically set them for the same time.
• In the complicated cases, when there should be regular and counter battles for the same province, the regular battle will be set after the counter battle.
• The major difference of the battle for provinces from random battles is that the draw is counted as a win for the defending forces. So if at the end of the timer the attacking forces haven’t killed all defenders or captured the base, they lose the battle.
• In case of the counter battles, where both sides are attacking forces, the time of the battle is set for a fixed time which coincides with the primetime of both provinces.
For example, clan that owns Smolensk (Moscow time) and clan that own Vitebsk (Minsk time) got into the counter battle situation. The time selected for it will be fixed (which time exactly doesn’t matter right now) in such a way that the battle wouldn’t happen before 20:00 Minsk time (i.e. 21:00 Moscow time).
• The counter battle differs from a random battle by the absence of bases. The winner is the clan that destroyed all enemy tanks. In case of a draw the tokens of both clans go back to their provinces, and will become unavailable to move for a day. The status disputed territory is removed from both provinces.
b. Notification of teams (leaders) about time and conditions of the battle
• All notifications about events on the global map which directly influence territorial ownerships of the clan is sent to all the clan members through the service channels of the client, through the game map portal and by other channels set by the players themselves (e-mail, ICQ, etc).
• Among the events requiring mandatory notification are
a. Attacks of a enemy clan (clans). Notification is sent to the attacked clan at the same time with the actual movement of the tokens to the territory of the attacked province. The message should either contain functions to set up time of the defense battle or to have a link to the interface element which would allow doing that.
b. Notification about the time of the battle for the province. It is sent to members of both clans as soon as the leader of the attacked clan sets the time of the battle.
c. A warning alert for the battle preparedness. It is sent to all players of both clans some fixed time before the beginning of the battle. After receiving this alert all willing can enter the pre-battle room.
d. Notification about the counter battle. It is sent to all players of both clans at the beginning of the step-hour when the tokens “encountered” each other at the border. It must contain information about battle condition and the time of the battle.
e. Notice of victory or defeat. This notice is sent right after the end of the battle to all players of the clan. In addition to the congratulations or condolences on the outcome of the battle, it should contain information on when the province is switching hands (if the result of the battle is such) and removal of the disputed statues, time of the removal of their (or enemy) tokens from the map.
f. Notification about competitors. It is sent to the players of the attacking clan in case if other clans also attacked the province at the same time based on the actual movement of the tokens. It must have information about the order of the clan battles for the province
5. Additional features
a. Purchase of additional tokens(mercenaries)
• When the province becomes disputed territory (except when there is a direct attack) all involved in the battles for the province clans have a right to deploy from 1 to 5 additional tokens, only if they are using services of mercenaries.
• Mercenaries are the players who purchased “mercenary license”.
• The purchase of the license is available only to a player who is not a member of any clan. If a player has a license and enters a clan, the license is automatically revoked.
• The “mercenary license” is purchased for a limited time (probably for a week) but can be extended for half the price.
• The “mercenary license” gives the owner a right to offer his services at the mercenary market and also to accept offers from a clan leader to participate in a clan battle.
• A clan can hire a “soldier of fortune” only for a one specific battle.
• The clan leader is hiring mercenaries. There are two ways to do it.
1. To visit Mercenary Market, find there a fitting candidate and send him an offer through the “Invites” channel.
2. To place an ad to hire at one of the general access channels (or specialized channel) and accept proposal from a mercenary who responded to the ad.
• The possibility of the hire expires N-time before the start of the battle.
• Every hired mercenary brings one additional token to the clan.
• Additional tokens appear on the map at a fixed time before the battle and are placed on the map of the disputed province for which he was hired.
• The player-mercenary has a right to accept or decline the offer of the hirer.
• After the mercenary accepts the offer, he has a right to enter the pre-battle room in order to participate in the battle for which he was hired.
• The clan which used mercenary services automatically gets the additional tokens on the disputed territory in the battle in which the mercenary will participate.
• The contract obligation is fulfilled if at the start of the battle the mercenary was in the pre-battle room, even if the commander has not confirmed his participation in combat (didn’t check-mark him).
• After the contract is fulfilled, the stipulated sum minus our commission is transferred to the mercenary’s account.
• As the result of the contract fulfillment, the clan leader is obligated to assign + or - to the reputation of the player, guided solely by his thoughts.
• If at the beginning of the battle the mercenary was in the pre-battle room, but the leader hasn’t selected him for the battle, the mercenary automatically get plus to the reputation.
• If at the beginning of the battle the mercenary did not show up in the pre-battle room, the contract is considered annulled, and the player gets a minus in reputation.
• If the mercenary already signed a contract, he cannot be hired for another battle which will happen +/- one hour after the start of the battle in which he suppose to participated based on contract.
b. Additional services (expedited transportation, reconnaissance, etc.)
i. Railroad transportation
• Railroad transportation is defined as carrying out the transportation of tokens through the clan-controlled territory without stopping on it for a fee.
• Railroad transportation is possible only if the province from which the tokens is being moved and the province to which the tokens are being moved do not have a common border and they are separated by no more than one province controlled by the clan or the clan-ally with which an agreement was signed.
• The mechanics of this movement is similiar to the regular token movement from a province to province, with the only difference that in this case they jump over a map cell. Everything else happens the same way - with the next step-hour after the order was issued.
• The fee for the railroad transportation is charged by a fixed tariff for every transported token.
• The transportation through provinces that became disputed is not allowed..
ii. Reconnaissance
• Reconnaissance is a temporary lift of the fog of war from the selected province.
• Reconnaissance can be of two types - front-line and undercover. The differences between the two are in the form of payment and rate of success. The mechanics for both are identical.
• The reconnaissance operations can be conducted by the clan leader (and in the future his deputies and diplomat).
• In the beginning of the next step-hour after the player ordered the reconnaissance, the generates random rolls. Two rolls are generated. First roll determines if the operation was successful or not. The second determines if the enemy discovered the reconnaissance activity of the clan on its territory or not.
• In case when reconnaissance was successful all players of the clan for a fixed time (probably a day after the beginning of a step-hour) can seen how many enemy tokens are located in the targeted province.
• If the reconnaissance failed, the clan leader receives a relevant message.
• The payment for the front-line reconnaissance happens at the same moment when clan leader confirmed the order to conduct reconnaissance on the selected territory. The amount is taken out of the clan treasury in credits.
• The payment of the undercover reconnaissance happens only on success, at the beginning of the next step-hour after the order was issued. The amount is taken out of the clan treasury in gold.
• In case if the clan treasury lacks funds at the beginning of the step-hour in which the operation is suppose to take place, the operation will be canceled and the clan leader will receive an appropriate message.
• Rate of success is hire for the undercover reconnaissance, but possibility of discovery is higher than in front-line reconnaissance.
Graphical and interface display
• In order to conduct the reconnaissance the player has to pick a province that belongs to another clan, and using the drop-down menu select the type of the operations. This selection will bring up a confirmation window so player can confirm the order for the reconnaissance.
• If the operation was a success or a failure, in the beginning of the next step-hour the clan leader will receive a notification about it. And all clan members are able for a day to observe enemy tokens on the targeted province.
• The leader who conducted the reconnaissance is not informed if enemy was able to detect the attempt at reconnaissance or not.
iii. Counterintelligence.
• The counterintelligence is defined as actions of a player that decrease the possibility of a successful spying on the clan-controlled territories, and that increase the chance of detecting the attempt of the spying activities of the enemy. Counterintelligence actions can be of two types - Heightened Vigilance and Counterintelligence.
• After the service Heightened Vigilance is ordered, it is turned on on all provinces under the clan’s control. The use of this service decreases the chance of success of any enemy reconnaissance operation and increases possibility of discovery of enemy spying activity.
• The payment for Heightened Vigilance is charged every day from the clan’s account in credits. It is charged until there is enough credits left for at least one payment or until the clan leader cancels the service.
• The service Counterintelligence is deployed on the territory of one specific province for a fixed time (presumably for a day).
• The use of this service decreases the chance of success of any enemy reconnaissance operation and increases possibility of discovery of enemy spying activity.
• The payment for “counterintelligence” is made in gold on result, meaning that the payment is charged only if during a day after the order the enemy attempts to spy on the selected province, and this intelligence operation was foiled.
• The counterintelligence cannot be used on the disputed territory.
Graphical and interface display.
• To turn on the Heightened Vigilance, the leader of the clan just needs to press one button (for ex.
“Heightened Vigilance ON”) on the global map interface. This action will call a window to the screen for a confirmation. After the action is confirmed the button will change (for ex. “Heightened Vigilance OFF”). If the player presses the button one more time before the beginning of the next step-hour then the service will not be turned on, and no credits will be charged from the clan’s account.
• The service turns on at the beginning of the next step-hour after the service was ordered. At the same time the clan’s account is being charged for the first day. The next charge will happen exactly after 24 hours.
• A player can turn off the service at any time by pressing the same button.
• All clan members are notified of the turning on and off of the service through notifications.
• If the clan’s account doesn’t have enough credits to pay for the service, the clan leader receive a notification about automatic service turn off at the end of the current day. Notification is sent at time n before the beginning of the step-hour, at the beginning of which the credits are suppose to be charged.
• In order to use the Counterintelligence service, the player just has to pick one of his provinces and press the corresponding button. The confirmation is made in the pop-up window which also displays the price in gold and time when the service will be turned on on the desired territory.
• If the enemy reconnaissance is detected, the clan leader receives a notification stating which clan was spying against him and if they acquired the information, and also a notification about charging a payment for the service from the clan treasury. The message is sent at the beginning of the same step-hour as the foiled reconnaissance operation.
• If the enemy reconnaissance was not detected during the Counterintelligence service, at the end of the step-hour when the service expires, leader of the clan receives a message that all quiet on the western front.
iv. Relations between clans during the clan wars.
• Clans playing on the global map can be in one of the four relationship types: neutrality, war, non-aggression pact and alliance.
• Neutrality is the default state (two clans that did not attempt any actions toward each other are considered neutral), which means absence of any relations or mutual obligations.
• Neutrality automatically ends as soon as clans enter some kind of relationship, military or diplomatic.
• Clans are at war with each other from the moment when one of them attacked (moved tokens) to the territory controlled by another clan.
• The state of war automatically changes into the state of neutrality if during some time (possibly three days since the last battle) neither side attacked another.
• The fighting may be terminated at the initiative of the warring parties prior to the expiration of the above mentioned period. In order to switch from state of war to neutrality, one of the clans has to send a request, and the other clan accepts and confirms it in the notification letter during some time period (this prerogative belongs to the clan leader). If the agreement was not received by the expiration time, clans continue to be in the state of war.
• The “mediation” fee is charged for the preterm peace agreement. After the confirmation for end of the fighting was received, n-sum is automatically charged from the account of the clan-initiator. If the clan doesn’t have the required sum, the deal is declared void.
• Neutrality is the only possible state to which sides can arrive as the result of a peace agreement. They cannot sign a non-aggression pact or an alliance right away.
• The non-aggression pact is an agreement between two neutral sides for a set time (possibly a week) which excludes possibility of mutual attacks of each other’s provinces. In practice the provinces of one clan which signed the pact are impassable for the tokens of the other clan and vice versa.
• The mechanics of signing such pact is similar to signing a peace agreement (one clan is initiator and the other gives its consent) with one major difference. Initiator does not pay money for mediation. The payment for the agreement is charged daily from both sides until the pact is broken or expires.
• The non-aggression pact can be extended, when at time X before the expiration time (possibly a day before) leaders of both clans receive notifications about it with offer to extend/break the agreement. If both clan leaders decided to extended, the pact enforcement is extended. If even one side answered “no” the pact ceases at the designated time.
• The non-aggression pact can be broken at the initiative of one of the sides. The agreement from the other side is not required. In order to leave the pact, the clan leader just has to send the request/place a checkmark in interface/press button “Break pact”. After that the leader of the other clan instantly receives notification “Non-aggression pact with such-and-such clan was broken at their initiative. At such time, such date the pact ceases its power.” After set time after this notification is sent (probably a day) pact is considered to be broken and the clans participants of the pact become neutral to each other.
• Military alliance or Alliance can be signed between two neutral or in non-aggression pact clans. Clans are considered to be allies if there is an agreement between them on at least one of the following items:
a. Agreement on information cooperation. Players of the allied clans can see locations of the armies of each other, and also of enemy forces which attacked ally’s territory or detected by the ally’s reconnaissance.
b. Agreement on military cooperation. Player can participate in the battle of the ally clan, playing for clan’s tokens. In practice it means that when one of the ally clans is preparing for a battle, members of other ally clans can enter in the pre-battle room.
c. Agreement on mutual defense. Any clan which entered into a state of war with one of the ally-clans automatically becomes enemy of the other ally-clans.
d. Agreement on financial mutual assistance. Commission charged for money transfers between members of alliance cut in half.
A separate fee is charged for every item of such agreement.
• Signing an alliance agreement based on any of the above listed items automatically means that participating clans sign the non-aggression pact (clans can’t move their tokens onto the territory of the ally clan). At the same time singing an alliance agreement does not mean automatic cancelation of the previously signed non-aggression pact. Until the pact is broken at the initiative of one of the sides, the pact is in force, even though loses practical sense, and a commission is still charged for it.
• The procedure of signing/extending/breaking of alliance, time of its validity, and payment for it is similar in procedure with the non-aggression pact.
• The same clan cannot be allies with two clans which are in the state of war with each other. In case two allies, each of whom are in alliance with the same third clan, start a war witch each other, the third clan has to pick with whom it will stay in alliance or to break the alliance with both of them. The leader of such clan receives notification about the start of the war between its allies. The notification gives him an option to make the above mentioned choice. The choice must be made during a fixed time (probably a day).
• From the time the notification sent and till the third-party clan leader makes a decision or time expiration, relationships of the third-party with both warring sides are frozen. Neither the third clan nor its allies can use the benefits of alliance. Not one of the warring sides can attack the territory of its “frozen ally”, and in turn this ally can’t attack them.
• If in the set time the leader of the third-party hasn’t made a choice in favor of one of the allies, the alliance with both clans is automatically terminated, and clan becomes neutral to both of them.
• By choosing one of the allies, the third clan becomes neutral in the relation to the other clan.
• Clans which are in the state of war, neutrality or in non-aggression pact, have a right to make demands of territory transfer, or indemnity payments. The demands state the name of the province or the amount of the single sum. These demands are sent to the clan addressee in form of a notice, which it can accept or decline.
• If the clan-addressee agrees with the demand of the territory transfer, he confirms it by pressing a button and territory automatically is transferred to the clan that made the demand. If on the territory there were tokens of its former owner, they are moved into the clan’s reserve.
• In case the demand is a monetary compensation, clan-addressee can agree to it only if it has enough in its treasury for the demanded amount plus commission. If the clan agrees, the amount is automatically transferred from the account of the clan-addressee to the account of the clan that made the demand.
• A fixed time is given to the clan-addressee (probably a day) to responds to a demand. If the demand is not answered in the indicated time it is considered declined.
c. Prize fund.
• Prize fund is the sum in gold which is awarded to the mercenary team in case they win in the battle for a neutral or revolting province.
• In case of the neutral province the fund is set up by us. In all other cases the fund is set up by the clan leaders (and possibly any player?) on a voluntary basis.
• In case of a victory of the mercenary team, the sum of the prize fund minus our commission is distributed between all the members of the team proportionally to the received battle experience.
• In case of a defeat the gold is returned to the investors based on the general rules of money return.
• All prize fund deposits are anonymous.