Ja die APM sind recht hoch, kein Vergleich zu SC2 natürlich, trotzdem frag ich mich was die da die ganze Zeit machen. Soviel zu klicken gibts ja nu auch nich...
[18:49:44] <+jD|orca-> C683Y-D50X5-V5CT3 und K0JT9-0F7PZ-CQ7PJ
[18:49:49] <+jD|orca-> wenn noch wer n dota2 key braucht

Frisch aus dem IRC. GoGo die sind noch gut!

/edit/ nvm darkforce +gf haben sie gesnappt.
Ab 4:30h - Wenn jemand keine Ahnung von Dota2 hat und nen Spiel casten muss:

"Rubick has a quest for you if you play World of Warcraft"
"Double Dragon doesn't want to pick up the magic pinecone"
"Its a Bare market in this game. A lone druid Bare market." BOOM!
"And, oh man, once again we see Leshrac go down, run over by the Ghost Ponies. He may be part horse himself, but those Ghost Ponies"
"Dude, if you are going to camp with lifestealer at night, put him in a sealed plastic bag and hang him 20 feet above the ground, otherwise you'll attract lone druid."
"Pony Wave and Disco Ball are truly the most powerful spells in this game"
"That bear is wearing cloak. I don't believe that for one second. And green Shoes? Whatever."