That is too bad. I finally sat down and played my GOG copy that I purchased the other week, spent around 4 hours before I realized it. I kept venturing out into space, being chased by my foes, encountering pirates, aliens, explosive novas, dense unexplored nebulas, crazy old men marooned on planets, and the cold black emptiness of space itself. I died from lack of oxygen, fires, heat waves from novas, pirates, ship implosions, crazy old men from marooned planets that I rescued, robot ships, intruders on my ship... Everything. And I loved it.
I once sat in the sick bay healing with my last living crew member, my captain, who I fondly named in my own mind, "Captain Starlington McCrunches", who was down to about 20 health, and every system on-board had failed, including life support, and my oxygen was depleting, but healing in sick bay kept me alive. So I sat there, healing my impending suffocation away, knowing that my good man Captain Starlington McCrunches was going to die. But there was a slim chance that maybe my sick bay could heal him up by a slim health point or two over a period of minutes, and I could get him up to 100 health before setting out to try to repair my oxygen life support system before running back to do it all over again. But it wasn't to be. Captain Starlington McCrunches went out in a blaze of space glory, dying as he lived, a wrench in his hand, a space fire in his belly, and a never say die attitude.
His body joined his derelict ruined ship, drifting alone in empty space, until it would be ransacked by pillaging space looters. Go buy and play FTL. Help Captain Starlington McCrunches live once again. ;_;